
About Us

Woman in bed looking out window.

Waiting for God was born out of the experience of the company’s founders, Jason and Marie-Chantal.

Marie-Chantal was an executive working for the National Research Council when her grandmother’s care needs began to grow. This was a five-year process that was riddled with worry, frustration, and exhaustion. Her career was already taking the majority of her time, now she had to navigate the care needs of somebody else.

There were no tools to facilitate the journey, information was confusing and hard to find and the healthcare system continued to decline. Jason, Marie-Chantal’s life partner, electrical engineer, and software guru created tools to ease the journey.

Waiting for God aims to create an empowered community of care for a dying person.

Losing a family member is difficult and the systems we operate in should be there to support the process. As it stands, systems and services are disjointed, and technologies complicate rather than simplify the journey.

Jason and Marie-Chantal are dedicated to relieving the burden that comes with caring for somebody at the end of their life.

Meet the Team

Jason Wright
Chief Operations and Technology Officer
Marie-Chantal Ross
President and Chief Executive Officer
Brenda Buckley
Death Doula


Waiting for God is not a religious site, but it does have its roots in the spirituality.  Humans are spiritual and God is unknown, just like death.  

Whether secular or faith based, all ideologies have their own views of how to treat and care for those at the end of their lives.  Waiting for God aims to act morally, and ethically to respect the dignity of all people and their communities of care while they transition through this difficult period. 

While both Jason and Marie-Chantal are practicing Christians, both see God as bigger than religion.  

God permeates them all.  Whatever it is that is eternal and created us, we believe is waiting for us to return. 


Our Values


That the death process is one that is well understood and embraced by society.


To provide a dying person and their personal community of care with a proper suite of technologies, services and education to transform end-of-life care to one that is as painless as possible (noting that losing a loved one is a difficult process emotionally for all human


Integrity, professionalism, compassion, and putting people at the centre of all we do.