Experiencing the end of a life is difficult, but it can be deep and meaningful with the right community of care. We are here to ensure the person you care for has a connected and supportive community of care, allowing family and friends to engage in fellowship and loving relationship rather than confusion and frustration.
Caring for somebody as they transition to dependent rather than independent can be an overwhelming burden. We can help.
Those who are actively dying, a process that can take years, require a great deal of care. Our health systems, post covid, is not prepared for the onslaught of people reaching the end of their lives (for more information see Aging Population). The burden of care will fall on community-based professionals as there will simply insufficient inpatient beds and hospital-based staff to manage. Given the choice, most Canadians would prefer to age in their own homes and communities. But as the needs of these people grow, such a preference becomes rather difficult for their personal community of care surrounding them.
End of life generally begins while living in one’s home. Many people move into a Retirement Residence. They enjoy having somebody prepare their meals, ensure access to necessary support services, and provide stimulating activities while they live a relatively carefree. These people usually progress to Assisted Living facilities when the time comes. The last phase is Palliative, created specifically to care of the dying.
To help guide you through the process, click on where the person you are responsible for is on their journey.
The Journey from Dependence to Independence

As a person nears the end of their life, their ability for self care greatly diminishes. Somebody needs to make sure needs get met.
There is no way to know when you enter the “end of life” phase. It is different for everyone, but research shows that those who are physically active increase their life expectancy. Regardless of how one has lived, the dying process for all people is the same, but how long the dying process lasts is not.
For those who are independent and self-sufficient, the journey typically begins while living in your home. Usually the signs of aging are well entrenched in the physical body when we start to become less independent. For the fortunate, they realize they require additional help and begin to find a support system. For the less fortunate, they do not realize when they need help, and halt any efforts others make to help them.
The truth:

Society values independence and youth. Marketing and technologies target millennials rather than seniors. Further there are very few conversations about dying that take place, so once somebody has transitioned to dependent from independent, those responsible for the end-of-life care find themselves frustrated, confused, and emotionally exhausted. This is particularly true for the person’s Power of Attorney (PoA).
Powers of Attorney, who themselves are also aging, now find that above their own lives, they must inherit another home, another grocery list, and ensuring somebody else’s health care needs (both physical and mental) are met. They are usually doing this for somebody who is hanging on to their independence and gets agitated and/or depressed at the help. The unpleasantness is increased by the fact that almost all families face some form of dysfunction that is exacerbated by a loved one’s death.
To reduce the stress, it is a good idea to have a death plan in place. Click here to download a free template.

Are you exhausted trying to coordinate somebody’s end of life needs?
Do you need support keeping their community of care up to date and in-the-know?
We have the tool for you for only $24.99/month.