A tool to help you find more time to experience a meaningful, peaceful and community-based end of life of your dependent senior
A tool to help you find more time to experience a meaningful, peaceful and community-based end of life of your dependent senior
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Being organized and having the right knowledge at the right time brings peace of mind.
SeniorSynCare is a web-based app that provides dependent seniors or their supported or substitute decision maker (often referred to as Power of Attorney, or PoA), or another responsible person, with a platform to organize, coordinate and communicate their lives.
Overcome challenges in navigating the life a dependent senior in the last years and month of their lives.
SeniorSynCare improves the quality of life by improving coordination and communication.
It is a private, protected site so only those authorized to view it may do so.
Easily bring all members of the community of care together to share information and ensure that all members work as a team regardless of their physical location.
If not the dependent senior, please have a digital copy of your supported or substitute decision maker letter ready (e.g., Power of attorney).
Private chat logs accessible for family members and close friends

Stay connected to the community of care and always know the state of your senior dependent.
Private communication with scheduling

Make organizing a senior dependent’s life manageable.
Powerful technology that is easy to use

Designed to provide an easy-to-use interface that empowers a senior dependent’s power of attorney, or another responsible person.
Private chat logs accessible for family members and close friends
A user-friendly chat function lets the community of care post information regarding a dependent senior.
Posts, comments and questions are fully searchable for ease of access to specific events. Cherish the moments you spend with your dependent senior and share moments with ease.
This tool gives the confidence of having a support system in case of an emergency and you never have to worry about being the source of information for the family.
- Enables effective management of the community of care.
- Keeps remote family members in touch with the care of their loved one.
- Conversations are private and accessible to the community of care.
- Provides information about what to expect for the next person who will be visiting.
- Overtime trends in physical and mental decline can be analyzed and shared with the medical team.
Private communication with scheduling
SeniorSynCare features a scheduler that allows the community of care to effectively manage your senior dependent’s time.
Permissions can be set so different levels of information can be shared within the community.
Friends, for example, would not see the same level of detail as direct caregivers.
Daily times can be blocked off and reserved to ensure there is enough rest time.
A no-details public version of the calendar allows anyone to reserve visiting time without having to contact the primary caregiver.
Knowing you are on top of a senior dependant’s daily reality provides peace of mind. Having such a calendar makes an overwhelming situation manageable.
- Lets the person responsible for care stay organized.
- Helps prevent seniors from feeling overwhelmed or confused.
- Lets family and friends know when the person is available.
- Helps keep track of time, social life, health, and general events.
- People can book time with the recipient of care at convenient times.
- Prevents overlap and conflict in recipients’ schedule.
- Lets the person responsible for care stay organized.
- Helps prevent seniors from feeling overwhelmed or confused.
- Lets family and friends know when the person is available.
Powerful Technology made easy
We understand that it is not always possible to be by a person’s side as they decline, so we have made it easy for you to stay involved in their care from wherever you are.
The entire community of care can be updated by text, phone, tablet or computer.
- Upload videos, images and text.
- Audio function for those who have trouble reading.
- People can be added to the community of care by invitation (only a working email address is required).
No one should have to struggle with technology when they are already dealing with so much.
Those responsible for care feel more in control when they can access the information themselves.
You’re never out of touch — stay connected with
the larger community of care and operate as a team.
- Easy to use, even if you do not use technology often.
- Accessible by any device.
- Text updates make it easy to keep your family in the loop.
- Pictures, video, and text are enabled.
- Fully searchable.
- Allows you to stay up to date with your loved ones without having to be in the same room, or even country, as them.
- Keep track of treatments and technologies.
- Easily add and manage the members of the community of care.
You must provide a supporting or substitute decision document and a valid credit card. Names on each document must match.
Semi-Annually (15% discount)
50% discount for second dependent senior
This tool is primarily suited for sharing information about another person’s life, that person will likely not know what is being written
about them.
It is important to respect their rights.
Only the supported or substitute decision maker is legally allowed to make decisions about what is shareable or not.
The default setting when using the app is set to automatic monthly payments.
There are no rebates for semi-annual subscriptions. This option is good for people whose decline is steady over years. Many begin the death process a year or two before actual death. These people are far from actively dying, which is what happens in the last days and hours of life.
If you notice a pattern of the following signs, then rather than years, the recipient of care likely has months left to live. At this time, it would be good to switch to a monthly subscription at your next billing cycle.
- Reduced appetite
- Sleeping much more
- Reducing social capacity and a change in demeanour
- Changing toilet habits
- Losing interest in activities they would normally engage in, such as no longer interested in watching television, or reading books
- Weakening body and reduced energy
- Colder body temperature
- Confusion or hallucinations
- Changes in pain, either increasing or decreasing, and breathing patterns
There are no reimbursements for monthly subscriptions. Simply cancel the subscription. Access to the tool will end at the end of the month.
The entire discussion history will be downloaded and mailed to the supported or substitute decision maker in pdf format.
Using the Discussion function
Once you sign up for an account, you will be prompted to select a phone number specifically for texting log entries. At that time, you will be able to select the area code of the dependent senior. This number can be shared with all those who interact with your dependent senior so they can provide an overview of their interactions and help keep the community of care informed of your dependent senior’s state.
The names of registered users will appear above the discussion entry. Phone numbers of non-registered users will appear above the discussion entry. This allows you to know who is spending time with your dependent senior and provides an easy mode of communication.
Texts can be videos, pictures, text and emojis.
There is an audio toggle at the beginning of each text entry. Simply click on the audio toggle, and the text will be read out loud.
Once a person sends a text message to the phone number assigned to the dependent senior, the following response will be received: “Thank you, your [dependent senior’s domain name] has been received.”
If that message has not be received, the text did not go through.
Using the scheduler
All dependent seniors get their own web domain. You can determine what you would like to share with the general public, and what stays private to those within the community of care (personal support workers, close family members and friends, etc.).
By default, in addition to a Home page, a Calendar page is created, which is viewable by all.
The only information given on the calendar is the dependent senior’s Availability. It is up to you, the alternate decision maker, to set up when anybody can set up an appointment.
There is an audio toggle at the beginning of each text entry. Simply click on the audio toggle, and the text will be read out loud.
Once logged in, click on the Schedule tab on the left hand side of the page (web view), or select Schedule from left hand pull down menu (phone and tablet view).
You will be shown a calendar. Click on an available time or date, and a pop up menu will appear. Change Type (upper right hand corner of pop up) to Available.
The name of the event will automatically change to Available. SeniorSynCare knows this entry is for public viewing.
Select a time (or multiple times) when your dependent senior will be available for guests. Once you confirm your times, the calendar will automatically be updated.
As we near the end of our lives, our brains and emotions need a much longer time to process events and visits. Too many goings on in a day can greatly affect your dependent senior’s quality of life. Many will suffer physically with too much stimulation in one day.
To respect this, the Calendar allows you to limit the amount of visitors in a day or week. If you are out of town, it will also give you a good idea of how often people visit your dependent senior. If there are long periods of time between social visits, you can be proactive and ask people to go visit more often.